Clean Travel connects you with immersive travel experiences that support local communities.
We're an independent community of local travel organisations that offer unique sustainable tourism packages.
We believe that our innovative approach to tourism has the power to revitalise communities.
We are committed to building a community of local changemakers that can connect with the growing number of conscious travellers.
Through your support, we invest in these local leaders so that they and their communities can prosper.
Imagine if you will, for a moment, a world where local communities have financial security and control of their destiny.
Imagine a world where they have the opportunity to rekindle ancient traditions and celebrate their uniqueness.
Imagine a culture that values respectful, sustainable travel that strengthens the communities it touches, not undermine them.
Our partners are local travel operators whose operations align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) so we'll connect with local leaders that will make this possible.
What began with our first partner in Nepal, has swelled into a thriving community calling for local change.
Authentic Immersive Experiences
Fast & Easy Travel planning
Local Sustainable travel operators