Annapurna Circuit Trek

12 days

Annapurna Circuit Trek
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The Annapurna Circuit trek, encircling the Annapurna Range, passes through country inhabited by a diverse range of people and offers spectacular mountain scenery. Starting in the tropical Pokhara Valley, you climb from lush lowland forest to the arid valley of Manang.


The high pass of Thorong La at 5400m offers a breathtaking view of the entire Annapurna mountain range and northwards into Tibet as just reward for your efforts.


The Annapurna Circuit region north of Pokhara in Central Nepal includes some of the world’s highest and most beautiful mountains. These include the Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri (8167m) and Machhapuchhre (6998m) – the famous fishtail mountain that dominates the skyline above Pokhara city.


On either side of the Thorong La pass (5400m), there are fascinating Tibetan villages built almost entirely of stone.


The trail descends to the Buddhist and Hindu pilgrimage site at Muktinath where you join up with the Jomsom trek. You can choose to trek on from this point, hire mountain bikes for the trail or get an automobile onwards towards Pokhara.


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Things to keep in mind


Things to keep in mind